

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Houser

Biology Week At A Glance 

Monday (Feb 27)



Task Of The Week!

Today you will be completing unit 3 test on biochemistry 

  • Click here to access the test  (on canvas)
  • If you do not like your score or you want some points back, please click here to access the points back assignment.
  • If you need a retest you need to message Ms. Houser to set up a time to retest.

If you have completed the test you need to complete the unit 4 vocabulary. This will be due WEDNESDAY at the beginning go class

Tuesday (Feb 28)

Introducing Cells

Today we will be diving into the wonderful world of cells

Cells pre-assessment it is okay if you do not do well on this assignment. This is just designed to see what you know. 

Complete lecture and guided notes with Ms. Houser

Complete activity on paper with Ms. Houser 

Complete Knowledge check after cut and paste (this knowledge check is for a grade, you may use your notes or your assignment from class today. You may not use any internet resources.)

Wednesday (March 1)

Introducing Cell Organelles 

warm up 

prefix/suffix assignment 

organelle practice 

cell organelle exit ticket 

Complete lecture and guided notes with Ms. Houser

Complete activity on paper with Ms. Houser 

Thursday (March 2)

Introducing Cells and Cell Transport 

  • Complete The Pre-lab 
  • You will complete a lecture and guided notes with Ms. Houser 
  • Complete lab at lab table assigned to you 
  • If you were absent in order to receive credit for this lab you must complete the alternative gizmo assignment. 

Friday (March 3)

Cells and Cell Transport Review 

Complete Wanted Poster on canvas For Directions (On Paper)

Completing Organelle Coloring (On Paper)