Phone: 704-260-6660 X43338


Degrees and Certifications:

M.Ed 2021-2022 Jay M. Robinson Teacher of the Year

Mrs. Wendy Davidson

Hello and welcome to the Spring semester of the 2022-2023 school year!   I was born and raised in New Jersey, but home is now NC. This is my twentieth year of teaching, and my fifth year at JMRHS.   I will be teaching Civic Literacy, honors and regular, this semester. 

I will use Canvas for assignments, due dates, course guides, etc., so please plan to check Canvas regularly.  Everything you need to know about the course will be there.

I will also use Remind to share information.  See contact info (below) for a link to my Remind groups and join!  I look forward to seeing you soon. 

Please check PowerSchool regularly!! IF you see missing work there, check Canvas to see if the assignment is there and PLEASE ask me about it!! The semester will fly by, so stay on top of your work!!!  Parents/guardians, if you do not yet have access to your child's grades through PowerSchool, please click this link: Parent PowerSchool Access

Ms. James will be student teaching with me this semester, fulll time. Please welcome her!



Contact Info


  • Period 1 - Civic Literacy 


    Period 2 - Planning


    Period 3 - Civic Literacy 


    Period 4 - Civic Literacy Honors







Last Modified on March 1, 2023