

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Dayle Janus

Dayle Janus

Email me at

Text me at ‪(980) 428-6828‬ Google Voice 

Message me on TalkingPoints App (Email me for the Class Code!)

All of your classwork will be in Canvas.

If you are a parent and you want access to the canvas class, text me and I will help. 


If you are looking for ML Student Help, the ML Help Center website is HERE


  • Class times are as follows:

    7:15- 8:40- 1st Block

    8:45- 9:15- WIN

    9:20 - 10:45- 2nd Block

    10:50 -12:45- Lunch and 3rd Block

    12:45 - 2:15- 4th Block



Technology Videos

  • Technology can be so frustrating!! How am I supposed to know how to do all of these different things?!


    Here is a secret... You aren't. Teachers don't know either, but we are learning every day. 

    So, here are some videos that might help you to sign in to the different programs we are using. 

    How do I sign into my email (Outlook)?

    How do I sign into Canvas?

    How do I sign into Google Drive?

    How do I submit (turn in) an assignment to Canvas

    How do I sign into Epic Books (For Mrs. Janus's class)?

    How do I send a video in Canvas (to say my name)?

    How do I sign into our Duolingo Classroom?

    How do I check my grades in Canvas?


    laptop teaching