

Degrees and Certifications:

Ms. Crista Fallon Lewis

Hi, Bulldogs!  I'm so excited that you'll be in my English I class this semester!  I have been teaching for more than 26 years, and more than 20 of those years have been here at Robinson.  I bleed burgundy and gold!

I graduated from Fairmont State University in north-central West Virginia where I grew up, and I earned a Master's Degree in Teaching English as a Second Language in December, 2022, from UNC Charlotte.  I completed National Board Certification in 2009 and re-certified in 2019. 

This semester, we'll focus on close reading, coherent writing, and critical thinking. 

Get your brains ready!  I know we're going to have a great semester together. 



Contact Information


  • 1st period:  English II

    2nd period:  English II

    3rd period:  English II

    4th period:  planning


Last Modified on March 3, 2023