• Mental Health Project Power Point

    Directions to Mental Disorder Project

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  • Weekly Workout #1

    5 Minute Warm Up Jog

    Dynamic Stretching

    Bench Press 12-10-8-6-4

    Sets@ % of Max

    1st@ 50% 2nd@60% 3rd@ 70% 4th@80% 5th@90%

    Back Squat 12-10-8-6-4

    Power Clean 8-6-5-4-3


    Auxiliary Lifts: (Pick 7 each day)

    DB Military Press 3x10

    Eagle Flys  3x10

    Sumo Squats  3x 10

    1 Leg Squats 3 x 10 

    Incline DB Bench Press 10-8-6-4

    Weighted Box Jumps 3x 10

    Weighted Decline Push Ups  3 x 12

    Pull Ups or Reverse Pull Ups 3 x 8

    Hammer Curls  3x10

    DB Skull Crushers 3x10

    DB Straight Leg Deadlifts 3 x 10

    Planks 3 x 45 seconds each rep

    Russian Twists  3 x 20  w/weight




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  • PE Research Essay

    Answer one of the following questions by completing a four page researched essay. Must include a works cited page. 

    1. How do athletics keep with lifelong healthy living? 

    2. Is alternative medicine (medical marijuana) worth examining in the 21st century?

    3. What does a life long health plan look like? What types of activities,diets, etc should a life long health plan entail? 

    4. How does weight training and other anerobic activities benefit your body?

    5. Is it more important to your overall health to exercise or have a good diet? Why?

    6. With the current numbers on obesity, how can public schools and physical education help? 

    7. Does the fast food industry play a role in obesity? Should companies like McDonalds take responsibility for their role on this / 

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  • Health/PE Winter Blast Fund Run

    Health/PE Winter Blast Fund Run Written Assignment

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Last Modified on December 5, 2022