

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Cheryl Hofmann

Hello Raptors! My name is Cheryl Hofmann, and I have been teaching middle school for 12 years and high school for 4.  I came to Roberta Road Middle from NC Department of Public Safety teaching in a juvenile facility.  I am married to Ken and we have 3 daughters.  Our youngest and oldest daugthers are teachers in high school and elementary school respectively.   Our middle daughter is an attorney in SC.  I grew up in Georgia and lived there until 2007, when we moved here. I graduated from Mercer University with a BS in Middle School Education with emphasis on math, science and social studies.

I am extremely excited to be at Roberta Road Middle. I am the Skills Plus Math teacher. I want to meet our students at their current level of math understanding and help them improve their math fluency towards grade level.  My goal is to help as many students as possible to show growth in their understanding of math concepts.

I hope you are having a lovely day. :-)



Last Modified on October 27, 2022