Phone: 704 260 6840


Degrees and Certifications:

Masters Degree in Psychology, Complutense University in Madrid, Spain. K-6 Elementary Education, Complutense University in Madrid, Spain. Bachelor Degree in Infant Education, Camilo Jose Cela University in Madrid, Spain. Masters Degree in Teaching English as a second Language.

Mrs. Garrido

Mrs. Garrido — Social Studies / Spanish Immersion

Hola a todos!

First of all, I want to say I am so happy to be your teacher this year and to get to know and develop each of my students. 

I am going to teach Social Studies and Global Citizenship. As both of them are going to be taught in Spanish, our students will be able to simultaneously improve their knowledge of the subjects and also of the language.

Before becoming a teacher, I worked as a Psychologist for 7 years. During this period of time, I felt I could do something else and it was when I started my Bachelor’s degree in Education K-12. Since then, I have been working as a teacher and I have realized this is my forever job.

I have just moved from Spain with my husband and our 2 teenagers.

I am excited to start in this brand new school and looking forward to working with this great team.

Thank you for supporting your child and our class as we strive for excellence.

Last Modified on October 2, 2022