Sexual Health Education & Social-Emotional Learning
Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Implementation (Senate Bill 5395), passed by the Legislature and the voters in 2020, took effect on December 3, 2020. It requires all Washington public schools to provide comprehensive sexual health education instruction that is medically and scientifically accurate, evidence-informed, age-appropriate, aligned with health and learning standards, and inclusive of all students regardless of their protected class status. The bill defines comprehensive sexual health education as recurring instruction in human development and reproduction that is age-appropriate and inclusive of all students.
The Bremerton School District teaches social-emotional learning for students in grades kindergarten through 4th grade with Second Steps and Character Strong (Purposeful People). These vital lessons include managing emotions, setting goals, communicating effectively and developing and maintaining healthy friendships. Students in 5th grade continue to receive scaffolded instruction on social-emotional learning that includes respecting personal boundaries, the importance of developing empathy and regard for others, increased self-control and safety. Additionally, they receive HIV/AIDs curriculum through The Great Body Shop which focuses on human growth and development and blood-born pathogens.
Students in grades 6th - 8th also receive instruction through the required health and fitness classes as well as The Great Body Shop. The topics covered within these curricula focus on the reproductive system, sexually transmitted diseases, gestation cycles, and childbirth.
Students in grades 9-12 receive instruction through health classes. The topics covered are personal boundaries, healthy friendships and dating relationships, human growth and development, healthy behaviors, and reducing health risks, including abstinence and other STD/pregnancy prevention methods. In addition, students are taught how to access valid health care and prevention resources and understand the influence of family and society on healthy sexual relationships. Students must also receive age-appropriate instruction on affirmative consent and bystander training.
Parents and children in all grades may opt-out of sexual health education.
If you have questions, please contact Iva Scott at