Teacher's Phone

  • Setting up voicemail on a teacher's phone:

    1. Ensure you have your password. If you are unable to remember, contact Mike Schiano or Lucinda Probst in technology at 360-473-1052 to reset it to 123456.
    2. Press the voicemail button and enter the password followed by the # symbol.
    3. Listen to the voice prompts.
    4. For setting up a new voicemail greeting, press 7 then 1. Make your greeting message and press # to accept.
    5. If needed make sure you change your name announcement, press 6. State your name and press # to accept.
    6. Follow prompts for additional features.

    NOTE:  If you are new or moved classrooms, you may not see your name on the phone. Please know technology is working with your building office coordinator to update the names. Once you do see your name, the password will be 123456.