Annual Back-to-school Check-in process (ABCs)

  • The ABCs will be "live" in Skyward on Monday, August 14 at 4 p.m. 

It is time to do your ABCs!

  • Every fall, we ask our families to complete the Annual Back-to-school Check-in process or ABCs (formerly known as the Annual Demographic Update). 

    Please log-in to your Skyward Family Access account and take a few moments to complete this important process. It should take about 15 minutes (or less!) to complete the process for each child in your household and can be done on any mobile device or computer. 

    The ABC process must be completed for all students in the district - including both previously enrolled as well as newly registered students.  If your student will be enrolled in Running Start, the process must be completed for them as well.

    If you have questions about the ABC process, please call 360-473-1076.

ABC Instructions

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.