• Some facts about Bremerton School District's maintenance program:

    • All school buildings are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
    • Every school building has been constructed or retrofitted to meet earthquake standards set by the Federal Emergency Management Association.
    • Landscaping is kept away from doors to buildings to ensure that students and staff can enter buildings safely. All buildings have been inspected for asbestos and other requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency.
    • A copy of the Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for any maintenance products used in the buildings is maintained in each building and is available for inspection.
    • Bremerton Schools exercise great caution in pesticide use in buildings. Should any be required, we comply with the law regarding 48-hour notice to parents and try to do any work on Friday evenings when buildings will be empty for the weekend. Records of pesticide use are maintained in each building.


     Man holding a weed-whacker

    We want our grounds to look like parks - that is the goal of our talented and committed grounds crew.

    MSDS information on any chemical products used on the grounds is maintained in each school building and is available for inspection. Records of all use are maintained in each building.