• Frequently Asked Questions


    Are school meals healthy?
    Bremerton School District provides meals that meet federal requirements and guidelines. The program is operated by the District’s Child Nutrition Services (CNS) department. CNS offers a wide variety of foods and is particularly proud to emphasize locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables.

    How do I apply for Free/Reduced meals?
    Applications are not required, all students eat breakfast and lunch at no charge. 
    We do ask families to fill out an income survey, this helps our school district get federal program funding. 

    My student has a life threatening food allergy/non-life threatening food allergy/physical disability; is there any way CNS can help?
    Students needing a food substitution due to a disability may complete a diet perscription form that specifies specific substitutions by a doctor or nurse-practitioner. For food allergies, school nurses and CNS staff both must have the correct documentation.You can request a form from the school nurse or CNS office.

    What if I have other questions?
    Contact us for more information at 360-473-4717.
Last Modified on August 4, 2023