By Gregory Barnes
Director, Secondary Education Summer school 2017 continued to expand educational opportunities for Milpitas Unified School District students. In total, MUSD housed nine unique programs for a variety of students this summer. Programs ended this week. Traditional classes for high school students were offered to students in need of fulfilling graduation requirements. This six-week program was separated into two three-week semester classes, allowing students to take a full year of credit if desired. The middle school program supported the math and English needs of current seventh and eight graders. Both of these programs offered classes for second language learners as well as extended school year opportunities for students in special education. Both of these programs combined housed over 600 students. Over the last two summers, MUSD has offered the SEAL summer bridge enrichment and teacher professional development summer session. This two-week enrichment/professional development extended the learning of our adult teachers while providing a thematic enrichment opportunity for elementary students. The Elementary Reading Program, also in its second year, was designed to offer reading enrichment and skill development to incoming third grade students. This five-week intervention worked with our most at-risk readers from our school sites. New to summer offerings this year were the Elevate math program and Summit Extended Learning Opportunities. The Elevate math program was offered to incoming ninth grade students in an effort to increase their math proficiency in high school. The Summit Extended session provided students with an opportunity to complete focus areas by completing associated content assessments. Finally, MUSD once again offered an enrichment program for Elementary school children this summer. Graduation for high school students will be held on Wednesday, August 2 at 4:30 p.m. in Board Room 500 at the District Office, located at 1331 E. Calaveras Blvd. The summer school presentation to the Board will be held on Tuesday, August 22 in the same location. Comments are closed.
The governing board of Milpitas Unified School District will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, June 28, 2022. Media ResourcesArchives
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