Aligned with the district's Strategic Plan and Local Control Accountability Plan, each school site is required to have a Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), which the School Site Council oversees. Please find the plans that were board approved on May 24, 2022, below:
Latest SPSAs (2023-2024 School Year)
Burnett Elementary SPSA
Calaveras Hills HS SPSA
Curtner Elementary SPSA
Mattos Elementary SPSA
Milpitas HS SPSA
Milpitas Middle College HS SPSA
Pomeroy Elementary SPSA
Rancho MS SPSA
Randall Elementary SPSA
Rose Elementary SPSA
Russell MS SPSA
Sinnott Elementary SPSA
Spangler Elementary SPSA
Weller Elementary SPSA
Zanker Elementary SPSA
Calaveras Hills HS SPSA
Curtner Elementary SPSA
Mattos Elementary SPSA
Milpitas HS SPSA
Milpitas Middle College HS SPSA
Pomeroy Elementary SPSA
Rancho MS SPSA
Randall Elementary SPSA
Rose Elementary SPSA
Russell MS SPSA
Sinnott Elementary SPSA
Spangler Elementary SPSA
Weller Elementary SPSA
Zanker Elementary SPSA
Latest SPSAs (2022-2023 School Year)
Burnett Elementary SPSA
Cal Hills High SPSA
Curtner Elementary SPSA
Mattos Elementary SPSA
Milpitas High SPSA
Milpitas Middle College High SPSA
Pomeroy Elementary SPSA
Rancho Middle School SPSA
Randall Elementary SPSA
Rose Elementary SPSA
Russell Middle School SPSA
Sinnott Elementary SPSA
Spangler Elementary SPSA
Weller Elementary SPSA
Zanker Elementary SPSA
Cal Hills High SPSA
Curtner Elementary SPSA
Mattos Elementary SPSA
Milpitas High SPSA
Milpitas Middle College High SPSA
Pomeroy Elementary SPSA
Rancho Middle School SPSA
Randall Elementary SPSA
Rose Elementary SPSA
Russell Middle School SPSA
Sinnott Elementary SPSA
Spangler Elementary SPSA
Weller Elementary SPSA
Zanker Elementary SPSA