17 April 2024 / 4:00 PM / LIBRARY 


    Stephanie Adams, Megan Armstrong, Reconda Meier, Mariah Checketts, Rebecca Ginos, Julie Broschinsky, Terra Stanko, Danny Greene (secretary) 



    Review and approve March meeting minutes

    Motion to approve by Terra S. 2nd by Julie B. Motion passed 

    Upcoming Meeting Date: We will not meet. We only need signatures from SCC members for the final school plan. We still have final budgets to look at but that can be done via email. 

    TSSA Expenditure Review

    Remaining budget is for para aides and a little for technology. We are on track to be on budget and to have just a small leftover. 

    Trust Land Plan Review 

    Goals are set and approved from the last meeting (see March minutes). We went over the remaining budget from Trustland. Much of what is left will go to para aides (extra hours for test proctoring) and some technology upgrades (sound systems). We are on track to be within budget and not have any deficits. 

    Tile 1 Plan Review 

    Parents who are also involved in our SCC as well as our PTA were asked to be a review board for the creation and reception of our Title I Plan. They were given a chance to provide feedback and obtain clarification for the proposal. We went over the ways our school families can participate in school activities. We looked at the school demographics and ethnicity breakdown. This and the plan will be made available on the school site. The Rise state test will allow us to see proficiency in tested areas for those ethnicity groups. We looked at some preliminary numbers for the budgets and plan for next year. Email for the final Title 1 Plan will be sent to SCC members and signatures gathered after some time is given for any question[s] or clarifications. 


    Sidewalk Plan for next year (where do we feel a new one needs to be added?)State member called back and said North Logan applications look good. Grant money is available but is typically prioritized by a cost to how many students. Areas missing sidewalks would come before signals and signs. The roundabout crossing at 2200 N and 400 E seems to be the most dangerous. So the sidewalk needs we mentioned in previous meetings won’t be funded yet, but we should keep the application open so that when more students need to utilize the route, the funding can more immediately come. The priority for our school safe route would be a continuous sidewalk along 400 E down to about 1800 N 




    Digital Citizenship


    School Inservice Training


    Health and Wellness
