20 March 2024 / 4:00 PM / LIBRARY 


    Stephanie Adams, Megan Armstrong, Reconda Meier, Mariah Checketts, Rebecca Ginos, Julie Broschinsky, Terra Stanko, Danny Greene (secretary) 


    Motion to approve February minutes by Rebecca G. 2nd by Julie B. motion carried. 

    Next meeting is April 17th @ 4:00pm in the media center



    My view is an app that will be available to parents for bus routes, bus stops and activity buses. 


    You can track your child’s bus etc. 

    If we have enough parents that want half day Kindergarten, we have to dissolve a section of full day Kindergarten to accommodate it, so we may need to educate parents on the benefits of full day Kindergarten so we don’t have to dissolve a full day section. Maybe seeing the current full day Kindergarten will show that it is not a huge demand on that age group. It’s a fun learning environment that has many benefits for their continued education. 

    New students in Kindergarten need to be potty trained as part of their participation in public school classrooms.



    TSSA remaining budget (49k) will be used for technology upgrades like the computer lab. 

    Trustlands remaining budget (44k) will be for para support salaries and audio equipment upgrades in classrooms.



    School plan for 24-25’ 

    Trustlands budget for these goals will be around $75,000

    Goal: we will improve our proficient readers, as to their grade level standard on the Acadience reading test, by 10% from beginning to end of the school year. 

    We will use para helpers in small group reading instruction to help support student readers. Funds will be used to purchase current curriculum for reading in both tangible and digital materials. We will also continue to fund the AR program for reading incentives. 

    Goal: We will move 5% of our students in math grade level proficiency by year’s end as to the results in the iReady math diagnostic test. 

    We will use the iReady math tool for periodic progress monitoring for growth towards proficiency and maintaining proficiency. Funds for current curriculum math materials, both tangible and online, will be purchased. We are using GoMath for one more year. We will also increase the number of para helpers for math class time. 

    Motion to approve the Trustlands budget and goals

    Other budgets will be used for these goals as well. Those budgets won’t be finalized until May.



    Still no news on sidewalk and safety sign improvement for our school community.

    Digital Citizenship


    School Inservice Training


    Health and Wellness
