• Greenville 


    18 October 2023 / 4:00 PM / LIBRARY 


    Stephanie Adams, Megan Armstrong, Reconda Meier, Mariah Checketts, Rebecca Ginos, Julie Broschinsky, Terra Stanko, Danny Greene (secretary) 




    • Trustlands  

    • Upcoming Meeting Date: Nov 15 


    Trustlands: Approximates from this budget: 55K for paraprofessionals (aide help), 2.5k on technology upgrades and equipment, 4.1k for supplies


    Our full day Kindergarten has a Trustlands goal which is meant for full day Kindergarten classes. So, in order to maintain all the full day Kindergarten classes, we need to pull some funds from the TSSA budget (taking from some tech equipment upgrades). This budget pull from TSSA will be needed next year as well. Affected items include replacing the computer lab chromeboxes and a few audio upgrades in some classrooms. These upgrades will just be pushed back to the following year. 


    We reached a 44.8% school population on free and reduced lunch and so we should qualify for Title 1 funds as early as next year. 

    School Data: The testing data for Math, ELA, Science came back at 55%, 56%, and 61% respectively. This indicates good growth and is right on par with district averages in math and ELA and slightly above the district average in science. 

    Demographic data shows that our Latino population is at 24% in ELA and math, where our Caucasian population is at 59 and 61 percent respectively. In the economically disadvantaged category, we scored at 29 and 30 percent in ELA and math. Students with disabilities category (IEPs), we scored at 25 and 30 percent proficient of those students in ELA and math.  

    Does the WIDA test for ELL learners affect our TSI status? It can because while they may come off of that demographic by achieving a high enough WIDA to move out of ELL services, they may still be on a monitoring status (3 years after ELL services) which would still be counted in that demographic. 

    Do we offer half day Kindergarten? Yes. It is morning only and we have about 8 students who opt for that. We offer preschool before Kindergarten to help prepare them for Kindergarten. Waterford Upstart is also a Pre-K resource. https://www.waterford.org/upstart/

    Do we only send newsletters etc. electronically? Yes, but we are aware of those who do not have access and printed versions are provided for them. 

    Do we need to prepare a Spanish translation for our families that primarily speak that in the home? 

    Do AR points show higher reading scores for those students who are achieving AR benchmarks? 


    • Mrs. Thompson will send out a monthly newsletter to parents about internet safety. 

    Digital Citizenship

    School Inservice Training

    • No agenda items

    Health and Wellness

    • No agenda items

    Motion (Julie Broschinsky) to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed.