October 19, 2022 Minutes

  • Greenville SCC Meeting 
    October 19th 2022

    Attendance: Megan Armstrong, Rebecca Ginos, Mariah Checketts, Terra Stanko, Julie Broschinsky, Stephanie Adams, Danny Greene 

         Motion to approve Sept. minutes by Megan, 2nd by Terra, motion passed. 


    Trustlands: Presented by Stephanie

         We have purchased most of the technology. Some of it, like document cameras, come under the supply budget. 

             $3300 for new tv monitors in 3 classrooms

             $8800 for iPads in the classrooms and small groups 

             $1100 for a chromebook cart 

             $2200 on two software licenses (iReady for math and Go Guardian for monitoring safe internet use)

         Remaining budget for supplies is about 10% of the year's budget or about $6600. 


    Safe Routes map is submitted, approved and available for viewing: https://www.saferoutesutahmap.com/map/school-maps/greenville-elementary-409  

         We are looking to write a grant under Safe Routes and Public Works so that we can paint the sidewalks marking the safe routes to the school. The grant can include safe route signs. 

         Areas of concern for walking etc: 

             -400 east and around 2800 north across from Meadow View Park 

             -Canal Road (600 east and 2500 north), It is not well maintained and is   sometimes gated off. 

             -400 east and 2000 north to 2200 north. There is no sidewalk currently until the roundabout at 2200 north. 

             -400 east and eastbound along 2200 north also needs sidewalking by agricultural field


    School Report Card: 

         Growth was typical in some areas but there are a couple of grades/cohorts of students who we believe need additional support. They may have been adversely affected during the Covid area. 

        We have a few additional programs that are being utilized for support including Amira for reading: https://www.amiralearning.com/ 

             Another program is iReady MyPath for math: https://apps.ccsdut.net/ (iReady)

         ELL students made commendable progress. 

         Our overall school grade is a C with 54.3% of our students being proficient in grade standards. We don’t anticipate this being our grade for next year’s results. 

         How do we keep the individual student from falling behind? 

             Progress monitoring

             Student assistance meetings 


    Next Meeting Date: Nov 16, 2022

    Title 1 numbers will hopefully be available by the next meeting. Next year we could display the annual income numbers for those that would qualify for free or reduced lunch (which is the criteria for meeting title one status).