24 January 2024 / 4:00 PM / LIBRARY 


    Stephanie Adams, Megan Armstrong, Reconda Meier, Mariah Checketts, Rebecca Ginos, Julie Broschinsky, Terra Stanko, Danny Greene (secretary) 


     Motion to approve November minutes by Julie B, 2nd by Terra S. Motion carried


    Safety Updates: North Park Police were contacted and the County Sheriff as well to help bring Greenville safety routes up to county standards. The support from NPD officers has been established and an officer assigned to help with getting those safety routes updated…more to come. They will also have an officer do lunches with kids and hallway patrol in the school on a more frequent basis. 

    Trustlands Proposal

    We had 70% of Greenville Elementary students in grades K-6 who scored on a benchmark based on the Acadience Reading Composite Score (RCS) in the Fall 2021 testing. In the Winter 2021 testing session. 70% of Greenville students in grade K-6 scored benchmark based on the Acadience RCS. Our goal is to improve the percent of student scoring benchmark or higher on the Acadience RCS to 75% in grades K-6. That number is currently at 76.1% which is above the target of 75%  

    Math we will focus on raising the proficiency in the Rise test. We scored 56% of students proficient in the 2020-2021 year. We would like to raise that percent by 3% by adding additional math aides and increasing availability of math tutoring taught before and after school. 

    Bond: The bond passed which for our community means having a middle school starting in the 26-27 school year. The new Hyde Park/Smithfield elementary school. The land is still being finalized as to where it will be, but it will open at the same time. Our boundaries may change but that is TBD. They are discussing about doing a magnet school on the north and south end for dual-immersion programs and the neighborhood schools just being regular education. All this may affect boundaries and population at Greenville….TBD. 

    School Plans: Title 1, Trustlands and TSSA 

    Greenville did qualify for Title 1 funding. We will also be given an extra FTE (full time employee) for the next school year.  

    Rise tests score in the school are generally slightly lower than the district average especially in ELA (depending on the grade and school year). 

    Questions: Do we see trends in certain grades that help us see the growth trends better and/or better practices for helping student growth?

    How do we inform parents of these plans especially Title 1 and what those funds will do for our students…how the funds will be spent for them…. 

    How do we let parents know if their student is receiving interventions and/or specialized services to help with their growth/education. Can we have more progress reports being sent home to parents of students being targeted for interventions?? What resources do we and can we make available to parents to help them understand how their student is doing??

    Make parents resources easy to access and utilize…

    Trustlands is easily to include technology helps for the goals. Title 1 would be heavy literacy goals with interventions to help with that goal i.e. more reading aides and time to target student needs with specialized literacy programs i.e. Reading Mastery, Saxon Phonics. We would like programs that tie better into phonetic, spelling, and literacy needs of the students, programs that blend better and have an ‘all in one’ composition so that programs don’t have to be pieced together in order to meet the various needs of the students. As well as hiring more paras and aides for after/before school programs. 

    Will the school get more behavior support from these funds? That is a TBD but also the school district is looking to provide more support outside of these budgets/funds. 

    Goals: General Literacy (Reading)

    ELL skill gap support, Portion of Title one for REACH (before/after school programs), TSSA for math aides, counseling, and other needs TBD but TSSA has more flexibility with earmarked funds.   

    Thoughts and defined goals, school plans etc. will be shared first with faculty and then reported back to SCC and voted on for the next meeting. February 21st is the next SCC meeting. 

    Budgets adjustments for all day Kindergarten and other needed adjustments will be gone over in the February meeting.




    Digital Citizenship


    School Inservice Training


    Health and Wellness
