Greenville Community Council Minutes

  • 15 February 2023 / 4:00 PM / LIBRARY 

    Stephanie Adams, Megan Armstrong, Reconda Meier, Mariah Checketts, Rebecca Ginos, Julie Broschinsky, Terra Stanko, Danny Greene (secretary)



    • Approve January meeting minutes Motion to approve minutes in January by Rebecca G. 2nd by Terra S. motion to approve January minutes passed. 

    • Upcoming Meeting Date: March 15, 2023

    • Review TSSA expenditures: Budget continues to be on track 

    • Review TL expenditures: Grant matching funds will show us on track when it is applied to that budget. 

    • Review of final report: 65% started in Fall 2020 which turned to 73% in mid-year of that school year. The goal was to increase to 76% by year’s end.  

    This school year we started at 70.8% proficient, then went down to 70.2%. As to why we had a slight drop, we are still looking at the data. Factors may be increased absenteeism since the pandemic, less time for tiered instruction or loss of title one funding helps. 

    Math was to rise from a 62% proficiency in 2018-19 to 64% when we retook the Rise math test in 2020-2021. We actually scored 49% [for] 2020-2021, which was a 13% drop. This was due to a gap of no testing on Rise due to the pandemic and coming back with severe math gaps but still administering the Rise math test. 

    • 2023-2024 plan discussion: We are looking to increase reading proficiency by 5% from 70% at the start to 75% at year’s end this year. 

      • Math: we hope to make a gain of 56% from the 2021- 2022 year to 59% proficient in math for this year’s Rise testing. 

    We will continue to do all day Kindergarten and in school pre-school sessions to help our school community. 

    We have 44 EL students and have been given more aide time to help support these students. 

    Be on the lookout for coming bonds to build additional middle schools for our school district. We hope the communities will support this next bond. 


    • No agenda items 

    Digital Citizenship

    • No agenda items 

    School Inservice Training

    • Teacher training and work day this coming week. Feb. 17th and Feb 21st. Parent conferences the following week on March 2nd and 3rd

    Health and Wellness

    • We have some red air days and keep students inside when the weather is that or if it is below 15 degrees Fahrenheit.