15 November 2023 / 4:00 PM / LIBRARY 


    Stephanie Adams, Megan Armstrong, Reconda Meier, Mariah Checketts, Rebecca Ginos, Julie Broschinsky, Terra Stanko, Danny Greene (secretary) 


    • Trustlands update  

    • Upcoming Meeting Date: No meeting in December. January 17th, 2024 will be the next meeting date at 4:00pm in the library

    Motion to approve October minutes by Megan A. 2nd by Danny G. motion passed


    TSSA funds are open to adjust for full day Kindergarten. The actual adjustment of the budgets will be done for the January meeting. 


    Question by Stephanie A to have SCC serve as the Title 1 committee for the school. This will involve coming up with a Title 1 plan for that budget. We will do a formal motion and get committee members in the January meeting. 


    Question on how the doorbell system will work with checking in etc. ID is required at the door and statement of business. 


    Construction on 2500 N and the pickup lines is getting crowded. City stated they should be done by the time we are back from Thanksgiving break. 


    Drop off and pick up issues. Parents with issues are welcome to talk to Stephanie and invites to discuss the problems are sent out to any parent not following current guidelines


    We had our first school assembly for character education as well as Veteran’s Day. The 5th grade put on a short Veteran’s Day assembly. Then we recognized some students from each class demonstrating good examples of citizenship in respect and responsibility. Each month there will be a similar character education assembly.



    Areas for improvement for school commuting i.e. signs and sidewalks. City will be covering areas of concern like south of us 2600 N to 2200 N on 400 east will be made sidewalks for safer student travel. As well as the L piece of road further up 2200 N near 600 E. 

    Any more parent input on current sidewalk plans and other areas that need sidewalks or signs for safe student travel. 

    Digital Citizenship


    School Inservice Training


    Health and Wellness
