• 2023 September Community Council Minutes

    20 September 2023 / 4:00 PM / LIBRARY 

    INVITED ATTENDEES: Stephanie Adams, Megan Armstrong, Reconda Meier, Mariah Checketts, Rebecca Ginos, Julie Broschinsky, Terra Stanko, Danny Greene (secretary) 
    Also attending: Zach Panter (parent) Gary Thomas and John Clark (District reps.) Terri Rhoades (School Board)

    Presentation on Bond Proposition
         Upcoming Meeting Date: October 18 
         Assign Positions 
         Beginning of the year procedures and protocols 


    - Gary Thomas Asst. Superintendent for Elementary presented the bond presentation for the next bond that will be on this November’s voting ballot. 

    Bond information is available at this link: https://www.ccsdut.org/2023bond or FAQ page about the bond at: https://www.ccsdut.org/Page/8341


    Council members will remain the same from last year. 
    Motion (Megan Armstrong) to have Danny Greene continue as secretary of the council. Motion passed. 
    Motion (Rebecca Ginos) to have Megan Armstrong continue as chair. Motion passed 
    Motion (Terra Stanko) to have Julie Broschinsky to serve as vice chair this year. Motion passed 

    Stephanie Adams went over council members responsibilities including attending meetings and preparing timelines and goals for the school. Other responsibilities as included in the following links: https://www.ccsdut.org/Page/7294 and https://www.ccsdut.org/Page/6219 

    Motion (Megan Armstrong) to approve the motions and procedures of the community council. Motion Passed 



    • No agenda items 

    Digital Citizenship

    • No agenda items 

    School Inservice Training

    • No agenda items

    Health and Wellness

    • No agenda items


    Motion (Megan Armstrong) to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed.