28 February 2024 / 4:00 PM / LIBRARY 


    Stephanie Adams, Megan Armstrong, Reconda Meier, Mariah Checketts, Rebecca Ginos, Julie Broschinsky, Terra Stanko, Danny Greene (secretary) 


     Motion to approve January minutes by Rebecca G. 2nd by Megan A. Motion carried. 

    Next meeting is March 20th 4:00pm in the media center 



    Megan A. went to a district meeting. First topic was snow days. They discussed district procedures for calling a snow day or delayed start. Issue that came up last Wednesday on 2/22/24. The district said they will review these procedures. Possibly being more flexible in calling delayed days. Maybe sending kids back home if a late start is called later than the 6:00am time late starts are currently decided. 

    How do you notify parents about bus delays? Alerts are sent on the same PowerSchool alert system (SWIFT). Parents feel it should be more prompt but also flexible if delayed starts need to be called a little later in the morning. 

    District is working on a five year plan for goals and a vision for the future. What feedback do parents and other stakeholders have for this? 

    Concern was brought up about the district school board and who they are, what they do, when they are elected etc? Can they or people who represent the district put more information (newsletter) out to parents.  



    Trustlands: We have a little over 29k left in that budget. We hope to roll over more para aide costs to that for the rest of the year to drain that budget. Books and Tech has about 12k left for that. Some will be used for the tech upgrades that were planned but delayed for other expenses. 



    Title 1: 

    Reading: Measurement will come from Acadience. We want to use this for added para support, supplemental curriculum software, more full day para aides, and continuing AR? More elementary aide support for K-2? Using Acadience over RISE? Affirmed by SCC


    Math: Recommended to measure by iReady. Use this over RISE math? Affirmed by SCC. Acadience for reading. Same goals as Title 1. Use Trustlands for more para support, technology, and intervention programs, library program. 


    Behavior: Continue to partially fund a full time counselor with TSSA. Use a student screener over an incident log for tracking behavior? Use a student screener ‘at risk’ to determine who needs support and for what behavior or social skill. The counselor will take these screeners to determine who she will offer services for. Math is also a part of TSSA, measured by iReady. Funds will be used for behavior paras, refocus paras (the right person is needed for such a position if funded), more math paras, PBIS (Positive Behavior Incentive Support) funds.

    Continue to fund AR from one of these budget plans? 

    Goals: In reading (measured by Acadience) we will move 10% of our students from non-proficient to proficient in reading by the end of the school year. In math, 60% of non-proficient students will be moved to proficient in math by year’s end while maintaining the current number of kids who are proficient at the start of the year. Affirmed by SCC. Behavior goal as measured by the student wellness screener: we will move 25% of kids who measure ‘at risk’ at the fall screener will be moved to not at risk by year’s end.



    No new news from the city on safety signs and sidewalks for our safety routes. We are still waiting on new developments. 


    Digital Citizenship


    School Inservice Training


    Health and Wellness
