2023 March Comunity Council Minutes
15 March 2023 / 4:00 PM / LIBRARY
Stephanie Adams, Megan Armstrong, Reconda Meier, Mariah Checketts, Rebecca Ginos, Julie Broschinsky, Terra Stanko, Danny Greene (secretary)
Approve February meeting minutes
Upcoming Meeting Date: April 19
TSSA Expenditure Review
TL Expenditure Review
TL 2023-2024 Proposed Plan Review
TSSA: The budget is still on track to be used up to about $1000 by year’s end.
Trustlands: Budget has to be adjusted due to some school personnel drawing from this budget that should not be….finance team is working to reconcile this budget. To be updated at the next meeting.
Reading: We will move 15% of our students, in each grade, who are not proficient in their Fall 2023 Acadience Reading Assessment to proficient by Spring 2024 Acadience Reading Assessment….Proposed goal
In our current year, we had 0% movement in proficiency from Fall to Spring.
To help with our reading goal we do tiered reading groups for grades K-4 each day for about 30 minutes. SCC believes we should continue to fund these reading group programs. We also prioritize keeping technology education tools up to date and used for support for this goal.
Math: Growth goal based on the iReady math program. We will have 60% of our school population meet their math growth goal from the Fall assessment to the Spring assessment. These growth goals are individualized/adapted on the iReady program. There is a mid-year assessment to check for mid-year progress for each student.
iReady has been made available to the school for the foreseeable future.
Pick up/Drop off issues getting more loose as the year goes on.
Parents getting out of their car in the circle drive to get kids loaded in their car. It causes delays and backups along 400 E and in the circle drive itself.
The west lot is being used for pick up and should only be for parking. Temporary bus duty position for the west lot.
For now, we can move the visitors slots so they can be better used for parking drop off.
We will also have some North Logan officials come and give us some recommendations for how to best utilize our parking for safer drop off and pick up.
Digital Citizenship
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School Inservice Training
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Health and Wellness
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