Starting with the 2012-2013 school year, the R-III District has devoted funds for great teachers who are willing to go after one of the most prestigious honors in education - the National Board Certified Teacher (NBCT). The process to achieve this recognition is very rigorous. Once a teacher is awarded the NBCT, certification is good for 10 years and must be renewed.
Fee and Payment Information (payable by the teacher):
A non-refundable $65 processing charge is required when you submit your application. However, your candidacy will not officially start until you submit a non-refundable $500 initial fee, which will be applied to the $2,500 assessment fee. Once NBPTS receives your application processing charge and $500 initial fee payment, you will be sent a verification packet and portfolio materials.
Important Payment Information:
Non-refundable Application Processing Charge: $65
Due: At the time of application submission.
Non-refundable Initial Fee: $500 (applied to the assessment fee)
Assessment Fee: $2,500
Our district will provide a $2,200 yearly stipend for any teacher that achieves the status of NBCT.
R-III looks at this teacher achievement as a win-win for both the teacher and the students.