English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
The Board of Education is committed to identifying and assessing the educational needs of students whose native or home language is other than English. Once identified, the District will provide appropriate programs to address the needs of these students. Students entitled to considerations under this policy include:
1.Language Minority (LM) – Refers to a student whose linguistic background, such as country of birth or home environment, includes languages other than English.
2. Limited English Proficient (LEP) - Individuals who do not speak English as their primary language and who have a limited ability to read, speak, write, or understand English.
3.English Language Learners (ELL) - Refers to speakers of other languages in the process of learning English. This abbreviation may be used to indicate ELL students. The District will also take steps to ensure that the interests of ELL students are included in the development and implementation of District programs and services that are offered by the District to and for its student body. See the ELL Handbook.