• Epsilon Beta
    Contact: Amy Venneman
    Email: vennemaa@troy.k12.mo.us
    Phone: (636) 462-5148 x 705 

    Epsilon Beta is a club for high school students interested in the library. Its official name is Episcpoi Tes Bibliothekes, "Keepers of the Library".

    HISTORY - The first Epsilon Beta club was organized at Washington High School, Washington, Missouri, in 1931, by a teacher, Leona Evans. During the 1968-1969 school year, interested librarians and students expanded Epsilon Beta to a statewide organization.

    EMBLEM - The emblem includes the club motto, "Keepers of the Library", the name Epsilon Beta, a book and a torch. The yellow background represents loyalty and honor, and the green, youth and hope.

    OFFICERS/ELECTIONS - State officers are elected at the annual meeting in the spring. They are: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and historian. Any member desiring to hold an office must come to the convention prepared to campaign. Each chapter represented at convention is allowed two voting delegates. Any local Epsilon Beta club may become a chapter by paying state dues. Local clubs who are considering affiliation with the state organization shall be permitted to attend their first convention without having paid state dues for that year. Current state dues are $3.00 per member.

    SPRING CONVENTION - The state officers have a meeting in the fall to help plan the Epsilon Beta Spring Convention, which is held each year in a different part of the state, always in a college town. A tour of a college campus and another educational tour are included. A physical activity like bowling or roller skating is included. At the business meeting, state officers are elected. Competitions during the convention include Quiz Bowl, scrapbook, book talks, book trailers, photography and scholarship. Quiz Bowl questions are about libraries, library resources and literature. Competitors can win trophies and ribbons. The scholarship is available to a senior who has been active in Epsilon Beta for at least two years and will be attending college in the fall. Scholarship money is paid directly to the institution of higher education.  Scrapbook, book talk (about the next year's Gateway Award books), book trailer (about the current year's Gateway Award books) and photography competitions are available to all participating individuals..  The scrapbook presented for competition covers the previous school year, so at the 2018 convention, the 2016-17 scrapbooks will be judged. 

    AFFILIATION - Epsilon Beta is sponsored by the Missouri Association of School Librarians, which helps coordinate Epsilon Beta activities through a director, appointed annually. Current MASL Liaison to Epsilon Beta is Jill Williams, Library Media Specialist, McDonald County. You may reach her for information at jwilliams@mcdonaldco.k12.mo.us.










Epsilon Beta Announcements

    2017 Convention Results
    Congratulations to: 
    2017-2018 State Officers
    Elizabeth Skelly - President - Francis Howell Central High School
    Ryan King - Vice President - McDonald County
    Mikayla Stone - Secretary - McDonald County
    Allison Bicker - Treasurer - Troy Buchanan High School
    Lane Pointer - Historian - McDonald County
    Quiz Bowl Winners
    Troy Buchanan High School - 1st
    Liberty High School - 2nd
    Clinton High School - 3rd
    Book Talk Winners
    Ricardo Padilla - 1st - McDonald County
    Abbi Mardi - 2nd - Farncis Howell Central High School
    Alex Daniels - 3rd - Troy Buchanan High School
    Book Trailer Winners
    Levi Womcack - 1st -  McDonald County
    Annalisa Kercher - 2nd - Liberty High School
    Abigail Noble - 3rd - Clinton High School
    Photography Winners
    Penelope Hunter - 1st - Francis Howell Central High School
    Penelope Hunter - 2nd - Francis Howell Central High School
    Alexis Griner - 3rd - Troy Buchanan High School  
    Scrapbook Winners
    Troy Buchanan High School - 1st
    Franci Howell Central High School - 2nd
    Scholarship Winners
    Erica Holmes - Troy Buchanan High School
    Elisa Swanson - Francis Howel Central High School
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  • 2018 Convention

    March 11-12,  2018

    Springfield , MO

    Sunday - 1) competitions: scrapbook, scholarship, Quiz Bowl, book talks, book trailers, 2) group pictures, 3) group activity created by state officers. 

    Monday - 1) universty tour, 2) educational tour, 3) state business meeting: a) choose 2019 site of convention, b) elect  and induct 2018-2019 state officers

    After the meeting: 1) give out awards from Sunday's competitions.

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  • TBHS Chapter Meetings

    We meet the first Thursday of each month after school from 2:30- 3:30.

    We meet on the days designated by the TBHS administration during Academic Lab.

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