Fuller Building Project Options (April)

Why are we performing a Feasibility Study?

  • The 60 year old Fuller Middle School has served the community well. The school has reached a point that it no longer meets today’s building codes, has structural deficiencies, inefficient and inoperable systems and does not adequately support our educational curriculum. The Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA), the state agency charged with overseeing and supporting school improvement projects, has visited the school and agrees. The Feasibility Study is MSBA’s initial step in partnering with the City of Framingham to investigate these conditions and develop a cost effective, sustainable and educationally appropriate solution to the aging Fuller Middle School.

    Feasibility Study Highlights

    The SBC submitted the first of three submissions to the MSBA on December 20, 2017, which included analysis of existing conditions, the educational program and preliminary design solutions and cost estimates. Eight options were included and four were selected to be further refined. The selection of the single preferred option will be decided by the May 9, 2018 submission to the MSBA.

     View Preliminary Design Options



  • On December 11, 2018, the majority of people who came to vote helped make a new Fuller Middle School possible! Today, the new building has taken shape and we are on our way up! See photos of the progress HERE.

    Additionally, in November 2020 the Consigli Construction team reached 500 days on-site with over 100,000 worker hours without any lost-time incidents. Congratulations and huge thanks to them for their effort and attention to detail.

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