• Scheme A – Renovations and Additions

    This scheme renovates the existing auditorium, gymnasium and cafeteria and constructs a new two-story classroom/administration wing along the southeast frontal boundary of the site. Swing space is required during construction..

    Scheme B – New Construction – Tree Branch Plan

    This scheme constructs an all new school, including auditorium, gymnasium and cafeteria. The two-story academic wings or “branches” emanate from a linear learning commons/cafeteria core and are terminated by a medium size collaboration space, which also serves for vertical circulation, connecting the first and second floors into one academic community. No swing space is required during construction.

  • Scheme C – New Construction – Folded Hands Plan

    All new three-story construction consisting of a learning commons/cafeteria at the core surrounded by collaboration balconies fronting a perimeter of classrooms, new gymnasium and new auditorium.  No swing space is required during construction.

    Scheme D – Construction – Butterfly Plan

    All new school consisting of two-story classroom wings terminated by medium size collaboration spaces and connecting to the learning commons/cafeteria, new gymnasium and new auditorium. No swing space is required during construction.
