Fuller Middle School Building Project Timeline

  • The Project Timeline started with the acceptance of the Feasibility Study Application, called the Statement of Interest, by the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) in May 2016.

    The Feasibility Study was completed in the summer of 2018, followed by the City Council vote to approve the project funding and the special election ballot vote to approve the exclusion of the costs from the so-called Proposition 2-1/2 cap.

    The School Building Committee has since directed the project’s design, approvals by the planning board and conservation commission and selection of the construction manager.

    The construction will commence the summer of 2019, with the new school being completed and ready for occupancy August 2021.  The existing school will then be demolished and the parking lot and playfields will be constructed in its place.

    To access the Project Timeline Schedule, click on the link below.

    Project Timeline (updated September 17, 2019)


Fuller Project Timeline Definitions

  • Timeline Definitions

    City Council Appropriation Voting - The City Council vote to approve the funding for the project.

    Community Forum – A public forum where community members are invited to come listen, provide input, and ask questions regarding the Fuller Middle School project. The focus of these meetings is to allow for public participation in the design, cost, and timeline of the project.

    Debt Exclusion Ballot Vote - The debt exclusion ballot vote excludes the costs of the project from the so-called Proposition 2 ½ cap.

    MSBA Approval – The MSBA Board of Director’s formal approval of the project.  

    Neighborhood Meeting – A public meeting with the Neighborhood community surrounding the Fuller Middle School to discuss the project.

    PDP - Preliminary Design Program - PDP is the first reporting stage during the Feasibility Study phase where the City, Architect, and Project Manager collaborate with the MSBA to establish the educational vision and program, document the existing conditions, develop and evaluate design alternatives and recommend the most cost effective, sustainable, flexible, and educationally appropriate alternatives to the MSBA for further evaluation in the PSR phase.

    PSR - Preferred Schematic Report - PSR is the second reporting stage during the Feasibility Study phase where the City, Architect, and Project Manager collaborate with the MSBA to refine the educational program, further develop and evaluate alternatives and recommend the most cost effective, sustainable, flexible, and educationally appropriate solution to the MSBA Board of Directors for consideration before progressing into Schematic Design.

    SD - Schematic Design - SD is the final reporting stage where the City, Architect, and Project Manager develop design documents of sufficient detail to establish the scope, budget and schedule for the Proposed Project.

    Other Definitions

    Massachusetts School Building Authority -  MSBA is the authority acting on behalf of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts partnering with Massachusetts communities to support the design and construction of educationally-appropriate, flexible, sustainable, and cost effective public school facilities. MSBA works with the municipalities for the life of the project from Feasibility Study through Building Completion and Closeout.

    Statement of Interest -  Submitting an SOI is the critical first step in the MSBA’s program. The SOI allows districts to inform the MSBA about deficiencies that may exist in a local school facility and how those deficiencies inhibit the delivery of the district's educational program.

    Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - LEED is a rating system devised by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC) to evaluate the environmental performance of a building and encourage Sustainable Design.

    School Building Committee - SBC is the committee formed and to act on behalf of the municipality to oversee and initiate the school building project while collaborating with the community, consultants and the MSBA to determine the appropriate solution for the school building in the most fiscally responsible, sustainable, flexible and educationally appropriate manner as it progresses from the study phases through building completion.