Fairport Central School District

Men of Northside School host Valentine’s Day breakfast for staff

NS 4

Fairport Central School District’s Northside School celebrated the ‘Men of Northside’ Valentine’s Day breakfast for all staff at Northside School, Feb. 16, in an effort to continue its acts of kindness for all staff at Northside School and celebrate the 20th anniversary and upcoming retirement of Principal Carolyn Shea.

The male staff –12 total this year – at Northside cooked and served breakfast for all school staff,


Community Survey Results & Report available now

As part of the Fairport Central School District Strategic Planning process, the District conducted, in partnership with the University of Rochester, a survey of community members. The purpose of this survey was to better understand the perspectives of adult members of the greater Fairport community. The items on the survey were conceived collectively with District Advisory Community (DAC) representatives,


Fairport student artwork featured in exhibit at RIT’s Bevier Gallery

Artwork from many students in the Fairport Central School District is now featured in the Start Here Middle School High School Exhibition at Rochester Institute of Technology’ s Bevier Gallery, which began on Jan. 26 with an awards ceremony and opening reception. The artwork will be on display at the gallery through Feb.


All current and new transportation childcare request forms due by April 1

Per NYS Education Law 3635, applications for transportation for childcare and to nonpublic schools are due by April 1 of each year.

A letter will be sent out to families at the beginning of March, asking you to provide information about your childcare needs for 2018-19. Please complete one form per child.


Community invited for input on 2018-19 budget, Jan. 17

Fairport Central School District will host a Community Group Budget Meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 17 at the Brooks Hill cafeteria at 7 p.m., with District administration, for community members to have an opportunity to engage in deeper discussions and provide input on the upcoming 2018-19 budget development process. The meeting is open to all District residents and school community members.


Future Planning Community Survey available to all residents, Jan. 2-9

The District wants to hear your feedback!

The Fairport Central School District is looking to gather community feedback for the creation of the District’s long term strategic plan that will articulate expectations around Educational Programming, Fiscal Sustainability and Facilities Planning.

In partnership with the University of Rochester,