Fairport Central School District

NS 4

Fairport Central School District’s Northside School celebrated the ‘Men of Northside’ Valentine’s Day breakfast for all staff at Northside School, Feb. 16, in an effort to continue its acts of kindness for all staff at Northside School and celebrate the 20th anniversary and upcoming retirement of Principal Carolyn Shea.

The male staff –12 total this year – at Northside cooked and served breakfast for all school staff, and together the staff enjoyed the celebration before the school day began.

Elementary Teacher Tim Jackson has organized the event for the past 20 years, and says this year’s annual staff breakfast was inspired by Shea. Shea came to Northside 20 years ago and her first day happened to be on the day of the annual breakfast.

Shea is retiring June 30, so Jackson said the theme for this year’s breakfast – The Wizard of Oz – came to be since Shea came from Kansas, and on her first day at Northside 20 years ago she realized that she ‘was no longer in Kansas’.

“Every year, this breakfast is a great way to celebrate what we all do as a staff,” said Jackson. “It is a time to get together without the pressures of the daily grind that can take place in schools. We like to do this for the ladies, especially since it all started years ago as a way to say ‘Happy Valentine’s Day’ to them.”

Shea added that the staff at Northside School is one big family, and “we work hard as educators and support each other as friends.”

“This breakfast is a time to come together as a family, and enjoy time to connect with each other outside the busy rush of each day,” she added.

The event began over 20 years ago by a male fifth grade teacher, who is now retired, and continues today as a way to do something nice for all the staff at Northside on or around Valentine’s Day.