Fairport Central School District

IMG 6774

Students in the High School Students United with NASA to Create Hardware (HUNCH) program at Fairport High School (FHS) completed a mid-year review of their projects, Feb. 14, a process that determines which projects will be selected to attend the final review at Johnson Space Center in Houston this upcoming spring.

“This is a nation-wide process where our students’ projects are being compared to predetermined standards and evaluated along with other students around the country,” said FHS Chemistry Teacher/NASA HUNCH Advisor Donna Himmelberg.

Himmelberg said FHS is proud to host the review and invited BOCES Genesee Valley Educational Partnership students, also in the HUNCH program, to join them in the critical design review process at FHS. The review allowed students from both schools to display their work in a professional poster session for each other and for visitors to learn about the student projects and interact with them about their designs and intent.

Live videoconferencing with NASA scientists and engineers also occurred simultaneously with the poster session as part of the review process.

Of the 130 HUNCH schools across the U.S., three teams per project area will be chosen from the mid-year review process to present to NASA in the spring. The ultimate goal for schools in the HUNCH program is to have a project selected to go to the International Space Station.

For more information on the HUNCH program, visit: www.nasahunch.com.