Fairport Central School District

Future Planning & Strategic Initiatives Updates

Future planning in the Fairport Central School District, with its focus on Educational Programming, Fiscal Sustainability and Facilities Planning, is making progress since the District’s Strategic Initiatives were finalized in 2018. 



Class of 2020 Retirees – congratulations to our retiring staff!

The Fairport Central School District has over 30 retiring staff for the 2019-20 school year. The District thanks all of its retirees for their service and dedication to the Fairport school community. We appreciate the contributions they made to Fairport students and their fellow colleagues during their career.

To learn more about the Class of 2020 retirees,


June ​Board Meeting Rescheduled to June 23; Streamed LIVE at 6:30 p.m.​

The Board of Education meeting originally scheduled for Tuesday, June 16, 2020 has been rescheduled to now take place on June 23, 2020.  The meeting has been rescheduled due to the need to tally absentee ballots for the 2020-21 School Budget Vote & Board Elections on June 16.

The District’s June 23 Board of Education meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. Read more  »

Fairport Art Department creates K-12 Virtual Art Show

The Fairport Art Department has put together a collection of artwork that would have been on display at this year’s budget vote. The work was gathered from art teachers that teach grades K-12. This collection celebrates the diverse imaginations and talents our students possess. We thank you for your continued support of the visual arts.


A Message from Monroe County Superintendents: Stand against Racism

The following “Stand Against Racism” is a collaborative message from The Superintendents of the Monroe County Council of School Superintendents:

We, the superintendents of Monroe County school districts, stand together against racism.

We acknowledge that discrimination exists in all of our communities. We see it in the bias that exists within our districts.


End of School Year School Events

The following events are organized by school and then by event and date. Please contact your child’s school for more information or for questions regarding these events.

Brooks Hill:

  • Student Belonging Pick-Up
    • June 9
      • 10-11 a.m.: Last Names: Abd – Alw
      • 11-12 p.m.: Last Names: Alm – Bir
      • 12-1 p.m.: Last Names: Bis –


Fairport’s Absentee Vote Process 

District Office Absentee Ballot Drop Box

Absentee ballots for the Fairport Central School District’s 2020-21 school budget vote and board election along with the Public Library’s budget and board election have been mailed out to all residents in the District.

Qualified voters who did not receive an absentee ballot may request one by contacting Deputy District Clerk Taylor Buffa via email at tbuffa@fairport.org.