Fairport Central School District

A group of young students sit on a classroom floor, looking at a video projection of a group of older students

Students, faculty, and staff in all Fairport schools came together the week of March 14 for the annual Brotherhood-Sisterhood Week to celebrate the principles of C.A.R.E. – Civility, Awareness, Respect, and Embracing Others. 

The Fairport High School (FHS) Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising (FIDM) & Business Club hosted a week-long food drive in every school building to collect donations for Perinton Food Shelf. The District collected just under 1000 items for the Food Shelf over the course of the week. 

FHS students held an additional competition to see which class could donate the highest number of items. The Class of 2022 was the winning class for the second year in a row!

Check out this video for a recap of 2022’s amazing Brotherhood-Sisterhood Week!