Fairport Central School District

Fairport volleyball athletes wear pink in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Fairport athletes are supporting the fight against breast cancer by raising funds and awareness for a local treatment center. The Fairport Varsity boys and girls volleyball teams went all in to raise funds for Pluta Cancer Center for October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The two teams collected $1,000 to donate to Pluta by selling pink shirts recognizing Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The team captains presented a check to Pluta Center representatives last week. 

Paige Dittman, the District lead teacher for elementary mental health and boys’ Booster Club  president, helped coordinate the fundraiser and the check donation event, along with Megan Cornman, the girls’ team Booster Club president. Dittman says the boys’ volleyball program has been raising awareness for breast cancer every October since 2016, and the girls’ team joined for this year’s campaign.

Congratulations to these student athletes for their hard work and citizenship!

Charity check and pink tshirts
Check for $1,000 for Pluta Cancer Center, raised by sales of t-shirts by Fairport volleyball teams