Fairport Central School District

Pause Before You Post

Students at Minerva DeLand School are learning how to be positive online citizens in the days leading up to October 20, when they will celebrate and strive for a world without bullying! 

October 20 is Unity Day, a day created by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center. Students and staff are invited to wear orange on that day to declare their commitment to a world without bullying. 

Minerva DeLand students attended a talk earlier this month by Coach Scott Fitch called “Pause Before You Post” that breaks down some of the dangers of posting on social media, and the issues that some kinds of posts can cause for students. Students also participated in a roleplay scenario to work with some of the concepts from the talk, and to have conversations about digital citizenship and bullying ahead of the Oct. 20 Unity Day. Students and staff were encouraged to think about how they can show unity and stand up against online or in-person bullying.

Pause Before You Post 2
Pause Before You Post presentation at Minerva DeLand