Fairport Central School District

Student artists and authors at Fairport High School are making up for lost time with the 2019-2021 edition of Dimensions, the school’s Art and Literary magazine. The COVID-19 pandemic prevented the magazine’s publication last school year, so this year’s edition contains pieces of visual art, poetry and prose from the 2019-20 and the 2020-21 school years. 

Dimensions Advisor and FHS English Teacher Michael Bittlingmaier said the FHS Art department submitted

Index of Dimensions
Full-color edition of Dimensions as available online

student artwork to the editors for inclusion in the magazine – including pencil and chalk drawings, photography, paintings and multi-medium pieces.

“We are all impressed with the high level of skill they [the students] demonstrated,” said Bittlingmaier. “Writers and poets were also allowed an avenue to exhibit their talent with poetry and short stories.” 

Advisor and FHS English Teacher Emily Jang, along with FHS 10th Grader and Junior Editor/Co-Art Director Ella Costanza, have created a digital version of Dimensions that features the artwork in color. You can view the full-color version here. FHS 12th-Grader Connor Quimby served as Senior Editor and Secretary. FHS 11th-Grader Claire Savary is the magazine’s Junior Editor and Co-Art Director.