Fairport Central School District

Fall Crawl at NS

Fairport’s four elementary schools joined forces to support Golisano Children’s Hospital. This year, Brooks Hill and Jefferson Avenue Schools joined Dudley and Northside for its 7th Annual Fall Crawl. Together, they raised a total of $9,673 for Golisano Children’s Hospital.

The four schools collected coins and offered the option to donate through the Golisano Children’s Hospital website. The schools also partnered with Crazy Dog T-Shirts, who provides 100% proceeds of every t-shirt sold at each elementary building going directly to the fundraising efforts.

The culminating event looked slightly different this year due to the pandemic. Students took a symbolic walk with their classmates around the school at one point during their school day, celebrating their fundraising accomplishments. The path was lined with motivational and inspirational posters/signs created by students. Jennifer Johnson from the Golisano Children’s Hospital visited each school to cheer students on as they walked.

Seven years ago when the Fall Crawl was started, the goal was to create an actionable way for students to help children in need, according to Northside Principal Erin Moretter.

“The generosity and spirit of our school community is incredible,” she said. “Beyond the charitable donations, this event connects with our core values as we always look for ways to teach and model kindness.”

Superintendent Brett Provenzano echoed this sentiment. He said that “even in these uncertain times, Fairport students, staff and families continue to show up to support others in our community. It truly demonstrates our commitment to making a difference.”