Fairport Central School District

Staff & Comm Communication COVID

Per Governor Cuomo’s recent request to hold three public meetings for families, the Fairport CSD scheduled three sessions on Monday, August 17. Community members may watch the replay of these sessions by clicking on the following links:

The purpose of these sessions, and many more that the District has held for families since COVID-19 in the Spring, is for the District to share further details on the reopening educational plans and to provide information on the choice that families have made for their child(ren) moving forward in the fall.

All three sessions are available to view on both the District Facebook page or on the YouTube page. You do not need a Facebook or YouTube account to participate in the session, simply visit the websites linked within this message and the video will play without the need to be logged in. Families have been given multiple opportunities to ask questions about the District’s reopening plans through Google forms, online submission forms, chat options within Facebook and YouTube video sessions, as well as the on-going opportunity to email superintendent@fairport.org.

Additionally, per Governor Cuomo’s requirements the District has posted on its school reopening website the following portions of the school reopening plans: 

Staff Meetings

Fairport CSD staff is increasingly engaging and interacting with these plans so they are comfortable and ready for students next month. The District held staff sessions that have been well attended since COVID-19 began in Spring, and the District will continue to have more in the future.

The District has provided numerous faculty and staff meetings to address questions and discuss potential concerns about reopening plans. District opportunities are shown in the photo here, and individual school and department sessions are listed below.

Click here to read the list of faculty and staff meetings held between Aug. 7-21.