Fairport Central School District

August 18, 2020 Message for Elementary K-5 Families:

Dear K-5 Families: 

School administrators have been diligently planning the return to school for students in the hybrid and virtual learning programs. 

Given the health and safety guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control, the New York State Education Department and Governor Cuomo, it is essential that the District has accurate and consistent student enrollment numbers so we can balance class sizes in both models. 

At this point in our planning, K-5 enrollment fluctuations significantly inhibit our ability to effectively plan for our return in September. 

Subsequently, at this time we are not able to accommodate requests to change models unless there are medical circumstances that would require a change (hybrid to virtual or virtual to hybrid). As we have previously shared, this placement choice will be evaluated in January 2021.  

We are committed to ensuring a safe, healthy and supportive environment for our students and staff as we plan for our return to school next month.  

If you have any questions regarding your child(ren)’s programming, please contact the school principal


Brett Provenzano
Superintendent of Schools