Fairport Central School District

Diversity Council

The Fairport Central School District launched its newly formed Diversity Council, a process that started in the fall, on Jan. 13 with the group’s first meeting.

At the first session, Superintendent Provenzano welcomed members, and the group engaged in small group activity to develop a common understanding of equity and access.

The Council, a collaboration between the District and parents/community members, acts as an advisory group to the superintendent on topics related to equity, access, and diversity. The group will focus on prioritizing the District’s Strategic Initiatives and the Whole Child education.

The goal of the Council will be to enhance the educational practices to ensure Fairport schools are welcoming, affirming, and value all students’ cultural backgrounds and individual identities. This will allow each student to meet high expectations and maximize learning/social opportunities.

Council members meet monthly, serve on sub-committees as needed, and commit to a minimum of two years membership on the Council.