Fairport Central School District

Congratulations to 89 Fairport students who earned gold, silver, bronze or honorable mentions on the National French, National German and National Spanish Exams. Each year across the nation about 250,000 students compete and consistently every year Fairport Students excel. The District offers AP sequences in three languages and junior and senior level courses are accredited as 201 and 202 level study with SUNY.

For the National French Exam, special recognition was awarded to two Fairport students, Amy Ruan and Matt Blyth. They both earned the number one spot in Rochester. Congratulations to the following students who earned the following on this exam:

  • Ashley Aurand, mention honorable
  • Ethan Bennett, mention honorable
  • *Matt Blyth, médaille d’argent & #1
  • Michelle Coltrain, mention honorable
  • Anna Dignan, médaille de bronze
  • Renee Doser, médaille de bronze
  • Sarah Farnand, mention honorable
  • Colin Farnung, mention honorable
  • Cory Foster, mention honorable
  • Martin Guilbault, mention honorable
  • Cadin Hickey, mention honorable
  • Hitesh Juneja, médaille de bronze
  • Nick Jasie, mention honorable
  • Madison Jezioro, mention honorable
  • Ryan Kavanagh, mention honorable
  • Victoria Kwasinski, mention honorable
  • Madison Kelly, mention honorable
  • Jonathan Lutzer, mention honorable
  • Piper Miller, mention honorable
  • Andrew LaPoint, mention honorable
  • Hunter Lavoie, médaille de bronze
  • Meghan McLaughlan, médaille de bronze
  • David Munechika, médaille d’argent
  • Dawson Postl, mention honorable
  • Claire Powers, mention honorable
  • Meg Prokop, mention honorable
  • *Amy Ruan, médaille d’argent & #1
  • Jillian Russo, médaille de bronze
  • Henry Stringer, médaille de bronze
  • Rodrigo Tjan, mention honorable

For the National German Exam, congratulations to the following award recipient students:

  • Tobias Duus, Goldurkunde
  • Samuel Liberatore, Goldurkunde
  • Miriam Obaji, Goldurkunde
  • William Millecchia, Silberurkunde
  • Joseph Wiegel, Silberurkunde
  • Lyvia Markle, Bronzeurkunde
  • Victoria Postler, Bronzeurkunde
  • Tobias Meerdink, Bronzeurkunde
  • Emma Jefferson , Bronzeurkunde
  • Joseph Himmelberg, Achievement
  • Allison Divincenzo, Achievement
  • Cassidy Engleson, Achievement
  • Andrew Bartlett, Achievement
  • Mason Kozody, Achievement
  • Annmarie Smith, Achievement
  • Maxwell Gemme, Achievement
  • Colton Geminn-miller, Achievement
  • Samuel Jones, Achievement
  • Gabriel Carpenter, Achievement

For the National Spanish Exam, Fairport High School Students earned a total of two gold medals, seven silver medals, nine bronze medals, and 22 students were recognized for honorable mention. Congratulations to the following students:

Gold medalists

  • Emily Pollack
  • Benjamin Caplan

Silver medalists

  • Erin Colaluca
  • Emily DeVito
  • Isabelle Ebenhoch
  • Madeleine Keller
  • Kyle Norcross
  • Shannon Quetchenbach
  • Anna Danesh

Bronze medalists

  • Zachary Izzo
  • Aidan O’Connor
  • Lynessa Patterson
  • Neel Raj
  • Massimo Vasta
  • Peyton Olinski
  • Jessica Petti
  • Brennan O’Connor
  • Diana Spencer

Honorable Mention

  • Christina Bartusek
  • Kristen Engdahl
  • Joseph Conaway
  • Aruna Ganesan
  • Olivia Durant
  • Harrison Hilbert
  • Rachel Fan
  • Hannah Koppmann
  • Marissa Flannery
  • Samuel Liberatore
  • Grace Kanaley
  • Maya Pazmiño
  • Gleb Morshuk
  • Haley Sax
  • Jacob Park
  • Anthony Roides
  • Morgan Schwab
  • Lauren Westman
  • Evelyn DeVoesick
  • Hannah Gandell
  • Julia Metz
  • Tessa Vasta