Fairport Central School District

Cheryl Moore Guerin

Fairport’s Pupil Transportation Employee of the Year is Cheryl Moore-Guerin, a district employee since 2014. Moore-Guerin is appreciated by all of her students, their families and her colleagues for her work as a school bus driver.

Director of Transportation Peter Lawrence said that Moore-Guerin was selected for this award due to her safe driving record, caring nature, and attention to details. Her outstanding loading and unloading procedures are evident when observing her on defensive driving reviews, he added.

“Cheryl puts students first and is very organized while maintaining a spotless school bus,” said Lawrence. “She connects with all of her students and demonstrates kindness and compassion when interacting with people she meets. She will step up to help our department when we are short staffed and is a true professional pupil transportation employee!”

Moore-Guerin said that in her four years with the Transportation Department, she loves the daily interaction she has with her students and their families to help create a supportive and caring environment.

“My continuous goal is to reach out to children who struggle [in the unstructured environment of the school bus] to make sure the school bus becomes a positive environment and experience for them,” she said.

With an educational background in science, her past work experiences have included roles such as teacher assistant and cafeteria aide. In those roles, she said, she has always strived to create positive environments for her students because her passion is in mental health. She continues to take college level courses in the area of mental health.

Moore-Guerin was recognized at the 18th annual Professional Pupil Transportation Employee Appreciation Brunch, in early May, which honors Employees of the Year at area school districts.

Caption: Fairport Central School District School Bus Driver Cheryl Moore-Guerin is Fairport’s 2018 Pupil Transportation Employee of Year.