Fairport Central School District

Dear Fairport School Community:

Similar to last year, during the 2018-19 budget process we have been reviewing programming options and assessing our staffing needs as we face another challenging budget season. At last night’s Board of Education meeting, we presented the instructional budget and the first draft of the total budget with revenues.

Through this challenging budget process, the District is still able to provide similar opportunities for students that it has in the past – there are no planned reductions in programming for the 2018-19 school year. However, given our declining enrollments (see slides 5-6 here), natural efficiencies will be realized while slightly adjusting our class sizes (see slides 7-9 here). Unfortunately, this will lead to staffing reductions. We presented the tentative staffing reductions at last night’s Board of Education meeting, including:

  • 29.05 Full Time Equivalent Teaching Staff
    • The reductions are as follows:
      • 5 elementary
      • 8.1 in 7-12
      • 15.95 in K-12
    • Although these reductions are significant, several factors will lessen the impact of these reductions. These include: the retirement of six teachers, reducing some part-time teaching positions, and offering recall to impacted teachers. Currently, there are 12 recall opportunities known to the District.
  • 14 Paraprofessionals (Teaching Assistants and Teacher Aides)
  • 2 Clerical Positions: 1 full time and 1 part-time. This reduction will be lessened by the retirement of one full time position.

In the midst of the joy and wonderment of our schools, we share in concern for all our school members during this phase of the budget process, particularly for those who will be impacted by staffing reductions. These continue to be challenging times. We will provide supportive and caring environments in all circumstances and for all school members. At the same time, we will have the resolve to ensure the sustainability of our District and proactively manage our budgets to plan for the future. This is our community’s expectation and our promise for sustainability to present and future students.

Our budget process has not been finalized; the final State Budget is due on April 1. Once our state aid package is received, we will have further clarity on our budget forecast for the 2018-19 school year. We will be recommending final staffing projections and confirming programming to the Board of Education before the April 17 adoption of the 2018-19 budget.

The Board of Education and I have had several meetings with our local and state representatives where we discussed the impact of their decisions in Albany and asserted our position against the governor’s revenue policies for public education.

As indicated in our future planning endeavors, we are committed to altering the trajectory of our financial position for the good of the District. As we continue working through the budgeting process, we will intentionally respond to the looming forecast. Clearly, difficult decisions are being made this budget season. However, we are confident with sound resource management in the short-term and via our DAC planning process, the long term fiscal prospects for Fairport are excellent. Fairport remains an incredible place to work and learn. Our student-centered values remain intact and we are dedicated to investing in our staff so they can be the very best for our students and each other. At our core, we remain steadfast to offering programs that enhance connections and life-defining opportunities for students.

We will update you on the 2018-19 school budget process once we receive more information on the State budget and are near the adoption of the 2018-19 school budget in April.


Brett Provenzano
Superintendent of Schools