Fairport Central School District


After more than two decades of caring, the Fairport Central School District celebrated its 23rd annual Brotherhood-Sisterhood Week, March 19-23.

Each year an entire week is dedicated to Brotherhood-Sisterhood Week, a district-wide celebration that focuses on the values of Civility, Awareness of others, Respect, and Embracing differences (CARE). This year’s theme was “Fairport Family: It’s Not Rare to CARE!” The message of this week is that everyone should be treated alike, and all feel connected enough to care for each other.

The week’s activities culminated with Family Outreach Day when thousands of students from Minerva DeLand School and Fairport High School visit the District’s four primary and elementary schools to befriend the younger students and demonstrate CARE through role modeling, and by teaching a lesson about CARE.

The annual event illustrates Fairport’s commitment to provide all students a safe and supportive environment, which is now legally required by DASA.