Fairport Central School District

Superintendent of Schools Brett Provenzano and Assistant Superintendent for Business Matt Stevens presented the instruction and total budget draft #1 with revenues to the Board of Education at its Board of Education Meeting, March 20. Other than the presentation, click here to watch the entire meeting on the District YouTube Channel.

During this phase of the budget process, the District is still able to still provide similar opportunities for students that it has in the past. However, given the District’s declining enrollments, natural efficiencies will be realized while slightly adjusting class sizes. Unfortunately, this will lead to staffing reductions that will impact multiple bargaining units as presented at the March 20 meeting.

“Over the course of the next few days some staff members will learn about their employment status in Fairport,” said Superintendent Provenzano. “We​ understand that these are incredibly anxious and disheartening times in our district, particularly for those who will be impacted by staffing reductions. ​We share in the trepidation that permeates throughout our organization during this difficult time and realize how this cuts at the core of our school community.”

The next budget Board of Education meeting is Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. at Fairport High School, Room 512, for a final review, discussion and adoption of the 2018-19 budget.

For more budget information, visit: www.fairport.org/budget.