Fairport Central School District

Fairport Robotics Advances To World Championship 3.22.18

The Fairport Central School District Red Raider Robotics Team 578 recently competed at the FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Finger Lakes Robotics Competition at the Rochester Institute of Technology, placing second and earning the wild card invitation to advance to the World Championship in Detroit later this spring.

The Red Raider Robotics team, along with Lead Faculty Advisor Marie Kraus and Faculty Advisor Jean Sacheli, made it to the finals at the regional competition, and finished second out of 50 teams. They were also awarded a safety award for having the safest and cleanest pit area.

This year’s robot, named ‘Gordo’, is in recognition of the two Fairport teachers who started the Robotics team in 1997, including Science Teacher Gene Gordon and Technology Teacher Joe Lonardo.

According to Kraus, the regional competition was a true team experience, especially since the Fairport team mentored a new team from Medianeira, Parana, Brazil. Fairport’s team was awarded the ‘Judges’ Award’ in recognition of their efforts, performance, team dynamics, and their generosity to the rookie team from Brazil.

“We have embraced our new friends, Team 7033 – the Roosters – from Brazil,” said Kraus. “Team members were able to have the full FIRST experience, and I believe we have made lifelong connections with this team!”

Red Raider Robotics is a FIRST Robotics Competition team based at Fairport High School. Fairport joined the FIRST® program in 1997.

Caption: The Red Raider Robotics Team 578 is pictured here after being awarded with the ‘Judges Award’ at the FIRST® Finger Lakes Robotics Competition at the Rochester Institute of Technology, in March.