Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

  • SEL at CMHS

Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

  • WHAT is SEL? Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is all about aquiring and enhancing everyday skills that make us better and, by extension, our interractions with others improve as well. Examples of SEL skills are self-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, social awareness and responsible decision making.

    WHY have SEL? Social Emotional Learning makes us better versions of ourselves...versions we get to extend out into the classroom, our families, friendships and the world beyond. The virtual environment in which we increasingly find ourselves has decreased some of the natural SEL learning opportunities others in the past may have had. Recognizing this and responding to it is something we all can value and appreciate. 

    WHO does SEL? All of us should and do engage in SEL through our daily lives. This year, we're going to be a bit more intentional about including it in our learning experiences each week at CMHS. Our S3 team and teachers will collaborate to provide mini SEL lessons. We hope that students and families will take these lessons beyond the classroom by discussing and implementing them in daily practice.

    WHEN is SEL? Each school in Cabarrus County will be participating/providing the same weekly SEL lessons. At CMHS, we will deliever these mini, 10 - 15 minute lessons on a rotating basis in one class per week. Each student's class will have 2 or 3 lessons over the course of the semester.

    HOW to SEL? Simple is often best! While we are in Plan C, teachers will show a video of the SEL lesson each week. These videos will be created by someone in the S3 department. When we eventually move to Plan B or (hopefully) Plan A, teachers will provide similar, short, live SEL lessons. Each week's lesson will show up below; we hope students will share them with their families. Follow the buttons at the bottom of this page to access archived (older) lessons.

SEL for Families

  • Social Emotional Learning (SEL) occurs best as a shared experience. We invite our Charger families to discuss each week's SEL lesson together. The input parents and guardians provide broadens and reinforces the conversation and deepens the likelihood that our students are learning these vital life skills. Here are some helpful discussion questions/starters:

    1. Tell me about this week's SEL lesson.
    2. What stands out most for you? 
    3. Why is (isn't) this important?
    4. How will you use this in the future?
    5. What do you wish others knew?

SEL Lesson 5/19

SEL Archive

  • SelfAwareness    Self Management

    Relationship Skills    Decision Making Skills    Social Awareness