Opportunities Overview

  • Extracurricular and enrichment activities during the school year are a great way to enhance learning and develop your passions.  Think about what you love to learn and do. What makes you curious? What rejuvenates you? Find a way to incorporate these into your routine. Activities are good for your mental health and your resume!  
    NOTE: Opportunities referenced here are not necessarily sponsored or endorsed by CMHS, but we are happy to pass along information that may be useful to our students and their families. Opportunities are also communicated via our S3 Calendar and/or Social Media feeds. Please be sure to keep up with these on a regular basis, as they change often.

School-Year Opportunities

Student Fly In Travel Opportunities

Summer Opportunties

Searchable Databases

  • You can also use these searchable databases if you are seeking opportunities for enrichment and experience.

    HS Navigator

S3 Calendar